What Happens To The Sewage That Is Pumped Out Of Your Septic Tank?

When you have your septic tank pumped out, you might wonder what happens to all the sludge and scum that is pumped out of it. In most cases, the waste is carried to a sewage treatment plant and put into a cesspool filled with various microbial agents for digesting it. However, you may be surprised to learn that in some cases, the sewage taken out of your septic tank can be put to other, more important uses.

Raw Sewage Produces Useful Methane Gases

When bacteria starts working in raw sewage tanks called digesters, methane gases are produced. At some treatment plants, the methane gas produced is captured and piped into fuel cells that allow them to produce electricity. Many homeowners would never dream their septic waste could be used to power their home, but it is happening in some parts of the country. While the plants used for generating power using sewage are few and far between, the idea is rapidly catching on and is being back by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. The EPA backs these projects because of the smaller impact that this power generation has on the environment as opposed to the traditional ways power is generated using nuclear technology. When you stop to consider renewable resources for energy, you have to admit there will always be sewage to deal with. Finding ways to use it is a good idea to maintain a renewable energy source that is produced and used only on U.S. Soil.

Sewage Turned Into Fertilizers And Compost For Farms

While many people wonder about human waste being used as fertilizer for farm lands, you should know that it is being used and has been found to be safe after steps are taken to clean it. Called bio-solids, raw sewage can be found in a number of products used as farming fertilizers and compost. Bio-solids are a by-product of treated waste water, raw sewage, and in most treatment plants, its production for use as fertilizers is monitored closely. The good news about using bio-solids in place of traditional fertilizers is the lowered use of chemicals in food growth and production. You might find bio-solids listed in the ingredients of a bag of compost or fertilizer you buy at your local nursery for home gardening purposes.

When you think about how saw sewage is being recycled, you may also begin to consider what you flush down your toilets and wash down your drains. Avoid flushing household cleaners and other types of chemicals down the drain or toilet because these components can not only harm your septic system, they might also end up costing more to 'clean up' at your local waste water treatment plant. Contact a local sanitation company, like Southern Sanitary Systems Inc, for more information.
